What are the best windows for reducing noise?

Photo by Victoria Pickering

“Dear PoPville,

Like most of us these days, I am 100% home and telework. I’ve got it pretty good – still have a salary and plenty of indoor and outdoor space to move around in.

However, the amount of noise in DC is really incredible! I know I had crappy windows that were installed on me by a third party after a construction job. I can hear everything and I would rather not.

Can you ask the community if someone has changed their windows and What was the brand / style and who installed it? I’m especially interested in hearing from people who live near busy streets (I live near three traffic lights on the North Capitol – sooo much honking and loud music) and are happy with their windows / noise reduction. Also interested in bad experiences / places and products to avoid. I know there are high quality windows out there, but it’s expensive when you have to replace 17 different sizes (not including the basement windows). “

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