Solar PV systems: soon 151 energy houses in Goa will be fed by the sun – Energy News India

The state government has given Convergence Energy Services Limited a work order for the commissioning of solar PV systems in 151 households in Sanguem, Quepem, Sattari and Canacona in order to grant a comprehensive maintenance contract for five years with electricity as part of the Remote Village Electrification Program (RVE) deliver.

According to the cabinet decision, the work order for the tender to plan, manufacture, deliver, install, test and commission a 500 Wp solar conditioning system in 151 households at a price of Rs 43,000 each and six residential lighting systems for a rate of Rs 20,000 each in Goa with a comprehensive maintenance contract for five years under RVE.

“The work should be completed within 120 days from the date this contract was placed. The systems are guaranteed for five years from the date of commissioning, ”said Sanjeev Joglekar, a member of the Goa Energy Development Agency (GEDA).

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