The Douglas-Coffee County Veterans Park stands as a great memorial to veterans in our community and beyond. An aspect of the park is the Pave the Way Brick Memorial which has hundreds of veterans’ names carved honoring veterans and veterans who have served during war and peace.
The Veterans Park Committee is dedicated to ensuring all veterans past and present are remembered at the park. The committee continues to accept orders for brick pavers to honor all veterans. The bricks are $50 each and feature three lines of text to include the veteran’s name, time served, ranking in the service, or the name of the war the veteran served.
National Military Appreciation Month occurs during May with Memorial Day on the last Monday of the month. Recognize and show appreciation to your special serviceman or servicewoman by setting their name in brick – memorialize them with a brick paver. For more information or to purchase your brick today, call the Douglas Municipal Airport at (912)384-1409.
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