Guy comes home to a vacant concrete driveway after being mistaken for large contractors

Reddit User Purple Circle

We are all human. Mistakes are made every day on construction sites. However, this particular mistake was costly. One man went to work 10 hours, came home and found a brand new driveway that he didn’t know about.

Reddit user lila-Kreis posted a photo of a new, very nice concrete driveway. However, he did not need or order one. Apparently there was a house a few doors down that ordered the driveway, although it looked very similar. When the crew came back to see if the job was up to par, they found it was the wrong client, which was estimated to cost them an estimated A $ 8,000 (or $ 6,200).

The Reddit user wrote, “When the person who placed it came back to see if I was happy with the job, they found it was the wrong address. I now have a free concrete driveway. “

If you’re wondering if he had to sign up for the job even though he technically didn’t buy it, the answer is no. According to the Reddit thread, the company didn’t push him to pay. The Purple-Circle attorney actually advised him not to offer even any form of payment or tip, as this could be construed as accepting the job and being liable for payment in full.

If the problem goes even further technically, the construction company could be sued for trespassing and property damage, although it was a truly honest mistake.

The construction company paid the cost, although we’re sure someone has learned a lesson in address verification. The driveway was poured for the right customer and lila-Kreis got a free driveway out of business. All’s well that ends well.

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