City of Wheeling Offers Tips To Keep House Plumbing And Public Sewers Out Of Holiday Clogs News, Sports, Jobs

CYCLING – Proper disposal of fats, oils, and greases (FOG) that are typical of cooking can decrease or decrease the likelihood of a plumbing and sewer line, making the holiday season much more enjoyable for residents and cheaper for the city in wheeling.

Mike Chiazza, the city’s FOG coordinator, said the city spends more than $ 100,000 a year cleaning sewers.

“If grease gets into the sewer system, it hardens and builds up, causing blockages in public sewers and house plumbing.” he said. “Fat blockages, in combination with other waste, lead to wastewater accumulating in houses and neighborhoods. These backups are uncomfortable to handle, stink and harm the environment. “

The popular trend of frying a whole turkey in an outdoor fryer for Thanksgiving can result in about 20 gallons of used cooking oil.

“Frying oil isn’t the only source of increased mist entering sewers during the holiday season.” Said Mottle. “Many other foods, such as bacon fat, cooking oil, shortening, lard, butter or margarine, gravy, mayonnaise, salad dressing, sour cream and meat drops, contain some type of fat, oil or fat.”

According to Chiazza, houses are most at risk if someone washes up after the party.

“Hot water will liquefy the mist for a few moments, but once the mist reaches the cold pipes everything will cool down and it will solidify quickly.” he said.

Chiazza offered the following tips to help you stay constipation free not just during the holiday season but all year round:

To properly dispose of FOG, pour greasy and oily waste into a container, such as a bin. B. an empty can. Let the can cool and throw it in the trash in a sealed bag to avoid spillage.

Dispose of used cooking oil properly by letting it cool and then placing it back in the container in which it was purchased. The oil can be refrigerated and reused, or the container can be sealed and disposed of in the trash for collection.

Scrape scraps of food into the trash, not the sink. Wipe pots, pans, and dishes with dry paper towels before rinsing or washing them, and then throw the paper towels away. Place a basket or strainer over the sink drain when washing dishes or peeling or cutting food to catch any small debris that would otherwise wash down the drain. Throw the leftovers in the trash.

If you have any questions or would like more information about how to properly handle fats, oils and grease when cooking in the home, contact Chiazza at 304-234-3874.

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