Bushfire Recovery: New Generation of Concrete Houses on the South Coast | Bay Post-Moruya examiner

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A Canberra contractor and systems designer believes concrete houses are the way forward when it comes to rebuilding after the fires. Mick Johnson, trapped in the Lilli Pilli fires, said rapid rebuilding was a priority on the south coast. As a building contractor, he found that it was becoming increasingly difficult to find masons and that brick houses would take months to build. He designed Rezicast systems that allowed builders to erect the walls and trusses of a house in as fast as a day. The concretes then pour slabs, add frames, put on a roof, and install windows. It only took eight weeks to build an entire house, he said. Mr Johnson said the energy efficiency of concrete is much higher than that of brick, and termites have not eaten concrete so houses can be built in remote areas. He said the cost of rebuilding is an obstacle to the burn victims on the south coast. The faster the build, the better. With more people now working from home, a high energy efficiency home could save money on electricity bills.


A Canberra contractor and systems designer believes concrete houses are the way forward when it comes to rebuilding after the fires.

Mick Johnson, trapped in the Lilli Pilli fires, said rapid rebuilding was a priority on the south coast.

As a building contractor, he found that it was becoming increasingly difficult to find masons and that brick houses would take months to build.

He designed Rezicast systems that allowed builders to erect the walls and trusses of a house in as fast as a day.

The concretes then pour slabs, add frames, put on a roof, and install windows.

It only took eight weeks to build an entire house, he said.

Mr Johnson said the energy efficiency of concrete is much higher than that of brick, and termites have not eaten concrete so houses can be built in remote areas.

Mick Johnson alongside Danny White from Green Homes Australia.

Mick Johnson alongside Danny White from Green Homes Australia.

He said the cost of rebuilding is an obstacle to the burn victims on the south coast. The faster the build, the better.

With more people now working from home, a high energy efficiency home could save money on electricity bills.

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